Motilal Oswal Active Momentum Fund NFO 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Bandhan Arbitrage Reg Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 31.7083
24-02-2025 31.6954
21-02-2025 31.711
20-02-2025 31.6966
19-02-2025 31.6915
18-02-2025 31.6955
17-02-2025 31.6636
14-02-2025 31.6708
13-02-2025 31.659
12-02-2025 31.6473
11-02-2025 31.6447
10-02-2025 31.6415
07-02-2025 31.6335
06-02-2025 31.6273
05-02-2025 31.6193
04-02-2025 31.6116
03-02-2025 31.6037
31-01-2025 31.5918
30-01-2025 31.5664
29-01-2025 31.5755
28-01-2025 31.5561
27-01-2025 31.5624
24-01-2025 31.5523
23-01-2025 31.5199
22-01-2025 31.5179
21-01-2025 31.5202
20-01-2025 31.5091
17-01-2025 31.502
16-01-2025 31.492
15-01-2025 31.4883
14-01-2025 31.4605
13-01-2025 31.4804
10-01-2025 31.4783
09-01-2025 31.4414
08-01-2025 31.4446
07-01-2025 31.4457
06-01-2025 31.4496
03-01-2025 31.424
02-01-2025 31.3998
01-01-2025 31.3954
31-12-2024 31.3804
30-12-2024 31.3536
27-12-2024 31.3602
26-12-2024 31.3567
24-12-2024 31.3426
23-12-2024 31.3521
20-12-2024 31.3427
19-12-2024 31.3077
18-12-2024 31.3188
17-12-2024 31.2916
16-12-2024 31.2898
13-12-2024 31.2833
12-12-2024 31.2746
11-12-2024 31.267
10-12-2024 31.2698
09-12-2024 31.2685
06-12-2024 31.2438
05-12-2024 31.2648
04-12-2024 31.2573
03-12-2024 31.2523
02-12-2024 31.2112
30-11-2024 31.1926
29-11-2024 31.1915
28-11-2024 31.1839
27-11-2024 31.195
26-11-2024 31.204
25-11-2024 31.1828
22-11-2024 31.198
21-11-2024 31.1959
19-11-2024 31.1876
18-11-2024 31.1661
14-11-2024 31.1565
13-11-2024 31.1316
12-11-2024 31.1448
11-11-2024 31.1245
08-11-2024 31.1261
07-11-2024 31.096
06-11-2024 31.0788
05-11-2024 31.0941
04-11-2024 31.0795
31-10-2024 31.0372
30-10-2024 31.0329
29-10-2024 31.037
28-10-2024 31.0332
25-10-2024 31.0301
24-10-2024 30.9995
23-10-2024 31.0018
22-10-2024 31.0072
21-10-2024 31.0125
18-10-2024 30.9499
17-10-2024 30.9641
16-10-2024 30.9508
15-10-2024 30.9569
14-10-2024 30.9434
11-10-2024 30.939
10-10-2024 30.928
09-10-2024 30.9281
08-10-2024 30.8971
07-10-2024 30.8824
04-10-2024 30.889
03-10-2024 30.8382
01-10-2024 30.8368
30-09-2024 30.8435
27-09-2024 30.8182
26-09-2024 30.829
25-09-2024 30.844
24-09-2024 30.8333
23-09-2024 30.8354
20-09-2024 30.8253
19-09-2024 30.7967
18-09-2024 30.8129
17-09-2024 30.804
16-09-2024 30.7849
13-09-2024 30.7962
12-09-2024 30.7915
11-09-2024 30.796
10-09-2024 30.7755
09-09-2024 30.762
06-09-2024 30.774
05-09-2024 30.7369
04-09-2024 30.7377
03-09-2024 30.7259
02-09-2024 30.7273
31-08-2024 30.6901
30-08-2024 30.6892
29-08-2024 30.673
28-08-2024 30.6959
27-08-2024 30.6919
26-08-2024 30.6753
23-08-2024 30.6828
22-08-2024 30.6625
21-08-2024 30.6433
20-08-2024 30.652
19-08-2024 30.6369
16-08-2024 30.6317
14-08-2024 30.6269
13-08-2024 30.6322
12-08-2024 30.6138
09-08-2024 30.5908
08-08-2024 30.6028
07-08-2024 30.5592
06-08-2024 30.5711
05-08-2024 30.57
02-08-2024 30.5823
01-08-2024 30.542
31-07-2024 30.519
30-07-2024 30.5185
29-07-2024 30.5172
26-07-2024 30.5198
25-07-2024 30.5068
24-07-2024 30.5078
23-07-2024 30.4995
22-07-2024 30.4967
19-07-2024 30.5027
18-07-2024 30.4594
16-07-2024 30.4525
15-07-2024 30.4365
12-07-2024 30.4535
11-07-2024 30.4195
10-07-2024 30.4241
09-07-2024 30.4085
08-07-2024 30.3983
05-07-2024 30.3913
04-07-2024 30.3902
03-07-2024 30.3792
02-07-2024 30.3693
01-07-2024 30.3439
30-06-2024 30.337
28-06-2024 30.3352
27-06-2024 30.3437
26-06-2024 30.332
25-06-2024 30.3389
24-06-2024 30.3147
21-06-2024 30.3213
20-06-2024 30.301
19-06-2024 30.3004
18-06-2024 30.28
14-06-2024 30.2911
13-06-2024 30.2721
12-06-2024 30.2589
11-06-2024 30.2486
10-06-2024 30.2813
07-06-2024 30.2487
06-06-2024 30.2205
05-06-2024 30.2524
04-06-2024 30.2662
03-06-2024 30.1516
31-05-2024 30.1446
30-05-2024 30.1497
29-05-2024 30.111
28-05-2024 30.0977
27-05-2024 30.1019
24-05-2024 30.1098
23-05-2024 30.1076
22-05-2024 30.1022
21-05-2024 30.0805
17-05-2024 30.0888
16-05-2024 30.0616
15-05-2024 30.0562
14-05-2024 30.0327
13-05-2024 30.0205
10-05-2024 30.0248
09-05-2024 30.0163
08-05-2024 29.9972
07-05-2024 30.0112
06-05-2024 29.9904
03-05-2024 29.9577
02-05-2024 29.9307
30-04-2024 29.9695
29-04-2024 29.9452
26-04-2024 29.9287
25-04-2024 29.9218
24-04-2024 29.9475
23-04-2024 29.9484
22-04-2024 29.9324
19-04-2024 29.9546
18-04-2024 29.9326
16-04-2024 29.9168
15-04-2024 29.9013
12-04-2024 29.8885
10-04-2024 29.8836
09-04-2024 29.8694
08-04-2024 29.8748
05-04-2024 29.8629
04-04-2024 29.8397
03-04-2024 29.8203
02-04-2024 29.7841
01-04-2024 29.7846
31-03-2024 29.7724
28-03-2024 29.7703
27-03-2024 29.7481
26-03-2024 29.6929

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